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Today Date : Friday, February 07, 2025

29th batch inaugurated in Ramakrishna Polytechnic College at Coimbatore

29th batch inaugurated in Ramakrishna Polytechnic College at Coimbatore

The 29th Batch inaugural function was held with grandeur at Sri Ramakrishna Polytechnic College on June 27. in the college auditorium. 

 Dr. R.N. Uma, Principal, welcomed.  Managing Trustee D. Lakshminarayanaswamy of SNR Sons Charitable Trust presided over the function and delivered the presidential address. .

Dr. N.R. Alamelu, Director - Academics, felicitated the event. She emphasized the importance of creativity and innovation among students. 

Thiru D.T. Victor Paul Vethanayagam, COO of the Foundry Division at Sakthi Auto Ancillary Private Limited, Coimbatore, graced the ceremony as the chief guest. 

Certificates were then presented to students who secured the first and second positions in their respective departments based on their academic performances during the last academic year.

Vice Principal Dr.D.Gopalakrishnan proposed the vote of thanks.