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Today Date : Thursday, September 19, 2024

An innovative ‘YouthHub’ platform launched in India

An innovative ‘YouthHub’ platform launched in India

UNICEF Executive Director, Catherine Russell joined UNICEF India National Ambassador AyushmannKhurrana, government officials, the private sectorand young peopleat thelaunch of an innovative, digitalYouthHubapp toconnect young people in India to future job opportunities, especially girls and marginalised youth.

The platform, which functions as a digital ecosystem, was jointly launchedby them along with Mr. Shombi Sharp (United Nations Resident Coordinator in India), Smt. MeetaRajivlochan (Hon’ble Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports), Ms. Cynthia McCaffrey (Representative, UNICEF India),Mr. Ashwin Yardi (CEO, Capgemini India), Mr. Ranen Banerjee (Government Sector Leader, PwC India),Ms. VandanaBahri (Head, Skills and Livelihood, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation - CIFF India),Ms. DhuwarakhaSriram (Chief of YuWaah, Youth Development, and Partnerships at UNICEF),Mr. Abhishek Gupta (COO, YuWaah at UNICEF) and two young leaders - Ms. ZakiraGanji and Ms. Jagriti Pandey.

UNICEF Executive Director, Catherine Russell, said, “Collaborative initiatives such as YouthHub are a good way to reduce inequalities and ensure that girls are included and have access to future job opportunities.” 

AyushmannKhurrana, Bollywood star and UNICEF India National Ambassador said,“YouthHub app by YuWaah at UNICEF and partners is like a script for success for every young person in India. It's not just a platform; it's a dream factory that opens up doors to economic, skilling, and volunteering opportunities.”