Bharath Vidya Mandir Senior Secondary School in Ilanji recently hosted the Iftar Mahfil 2024, a special event held during the holy month of Ramadan. Led by Chairman Mohanakrishnan, Secretary Kanthimathi Mohanakrishnan, and Principals Vanitha and Giftson, the event aimed to promote inclusivity and unity, welcoming attendees from diverse backgrounds.
The evening began with a heartfelt prayer and a warm welcome address, setting the stage for an evening of camaraderie and enlightenment. Distinguished speakers, including MP Anuja, A Naziya Hasina, Dr. Sheik Saleem, and Dr. M. Abdul Azeez, shared valuable insights, enriching the gathering with wisdom and reflection.
Guest of Honour Prof. M Ramachandran delivered inspiring words on unity and compassion, leaving a lasting impact on the audience. Moments of spiritual reflection, led by Samsuddin Alim, Principal of Rabbaniya Arabic College,
Tenkasi, underscored the importance of spiritual nourishment during Ramadan.
A heartfelt vote of thanks concluded the event, expressing gratitude to all contributors and highlighting the power of unity, compassion, and spiritual reflection. The Iftar Mahfil served as a testament to the community's strength and resilience, leaving attendees with a renewed sense of togetherness and appreciation.