In Tamil Nadu many people have lost money and committed suicide due to gambling games like online rummy. Therefore, the Tamil Nadu government enacted an ordinance to ban online gambling games, got the approval of the Cabinet and sent it to the Governor for assent on October 1 last year.
Governor R.N Ravi considered this ordiance on the same day and immediately approved it and sent it to the government. On October 19 last year, when the legislative assembly session was held, the bill to make the ordinance into a permanent law was tabled and passed in the assembly.
It was then sent on October 28 for the Governor's approval. However, the goverment sought time to meet the governor . In this context, on November 24, a letter was sent to the government from the Governor's side asking for an explanation regarding the bill.
The Tamil Nadu government also gave an explanation on the 25th i.e. within 24 hours. However, the governor's delay in assent to the bill and consultation with officials of an online rummy company caused controversy.Following this, while series of suicides are taking place due to online rummy, the Governor did not approve the Bill passed by the Tamil Nadu Government Assembly and sent it back. In addition,he said. the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly had no power to legislate and the bill was sent back after asking for various explanations, which became a big controversy. To prevent loss of precious lives due to online rummy, it was decided in the cabinet meeting on March 9 that the bill will be tabled again in the Legislative Assembly as a next step. Following this, the Online Prohibition Bill was passed in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly today with the support of all parties.
Regarding the online gambling ban bill, Chief Minister M.K.Stalin said in the assembly that 'we cannot run the government leaving our conscience asleep'. It has also been announced that the Bill will again be sent to the Governor for assent. Chief Minister M.K.Stalin has taken up a huge campaign to ban online gambling. There is no doubt that he will get victory soon if he keeps fighting. This time there is a proccedural that the bill should not be sent back by the governor but must be approved. So there is no doubt that the happy news that the Governor has given his approval will soon echo in our ears!