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Today Date : Tuesday, January 14, 2025

BIRAC EYUVA Centre inaugurated 

BIRAC EYUVA Centre inaugurated 

The valedictory celebrations of students forum and inauguration of BIRAC EYUVA Centre was at the PSGR Krishnammal College for Women on Wednesday.
The Institute also inaugurated its EYUVA Centre (Encouraging Youth for Undertaking Innovative Research through Vibrant Acceleration) with a grant of Rs.266.5 Lakhs by BIRAC (Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council). PSGRKCW is the only Womens Institution in India supported by BIRAC.    
Dr.R.Nandini, Founder Trustee, GRG Institutions welcomed the dignitaries.

 Dr.S.Nirmala, Principal, read out the Annual Report. This was be followed by the inauguration of the BIRAC EYUVA centre and the Release of the College Magazine and Newsletters by the Chief Guest Col.Dr.Prof.P.Kaliraj, Vice Chancellor, Bharathiar University. He lauded the extraordinary efforts of the college in educating and empowering  women. 

He highlighted how skill enhancement trainings would pave the way for ground-breaking inventions that will be useful for the society. He insisted on how skill training should be imparted to students in the college, and how educational institutions should strive towards fulfilling the dreams of the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu by providing access to education from homes and industries. The achievers of the various events were then honored in the Awards Distribution Ceremony.