The state president of BJP K Annamalai on Saturday announced the party’s decision to extend their support to AIADMK’s candidate Thennarasu in the upcoming Erode East by-poll.
He has also asked former Chief Minister O Panneerselvam to support Thennarasu.
Speaking to reporters at BJP office in TNagar in the city, Annamalai said that EPS has consulted with him before taking every step in connection with the by-poll.
“The BJP will never interfere in the internal issues of a party and we are firm on that stand. However, we have been closely watching everything. Our intention is to nominate one strong candidate.
That’s why we have decided to meet both the AIADMK leaders as per the direction of the BJP national leader and we will emphasize our demand. We are ready to extend our full support to that one strong candidate who is contesting on two-leaves symbol on behalf of AIADMK. Only then, we could ensure victory,” he added.
He requested OPS to extend his support to Thennarasu and to work with everyone else to ensure their victory in the by-poll. After placing his views, he sought time to take a final decision on the issue.
“Our intention is to nominate one candidate on two-leaves symbol and the BJP will do everything in its power to ensure his victory,” he added.