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Today Date : Saturday, February 15, 2025

Boomi Pooja preformed for creating FDF's Centre of Excellence

Boomi Pooja preformed for creating FDF's Centre of Excellence

Foundries Development Foundation (FDF) has signed MoU with Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation(TIDCO) to establish 'Centre of Excellence' at a cost of Rs 32 crores in 'CODISSIA' Industrial Park Limited premises at Moperipalayam. A boomi pooja for creating the centre was held  on Monday. 
Since inception FDF has been  working on a few areas critical to improve the performance of Coimbatore engineering industries to global standards.

 Today FDF has 3 verticals - Material Exchange, Centre of Excellence and Exhibition & Conferences, each focused on optimising Foundry  Processes and Outputs.
FDF Material Sourcing (FMS) is platform to bring together foundry needs and supplier  capabilities. So far, about Rs 150Cr+ transactions have been carried out through FMS , resulting in considerable savings to both Foundries and Suppliers.FDF Centre of Excellence (FDF COE) envisaged to create a hands on skill development of metallurgically sound castings. 

This is a joint venture project with TIDCO as the partner and contribution from members of Coimbatore foundries and user industries. FDF COE will house a modern foundry complex with all casting manufacturing processes inbuilt for providing the required hands on skilling of foundry technicians and engineers, apart from being an extended arm for the manufacturing sector to develop metal castings. FDF COE shall consist of both ferrous and non ferrous casting development and manufacturing.Today Boomi Pooja of FDF Centre of Excellence (FDF COE) was performed at Codissia Industrial Park, Moperipalayam in which many industrialists participated