A meeting of BJP top executives was held yesterday. Speaking on this, BJP leader Annamalai said, let go those who leave the alliance. If they leave the alliance, it is their choice. The BJP leadership will decide on the alliance issue. I have said what I have to say. Now let Delhi decide. He mentioned that BJP will make a big difference in Tamil Nadu.
One thing to note about this... He is not talking about AIADMK here. AIADMK was not mentioned directly. He did not even say that Delhi would think about an AIADMK alliance. He has only said that it is a direct competition between BJP and DMK.
It seems clear that Annamalai has been sent to Chennai by the BJP top brass in Delhi so that he should not talk about AIADMK.
EdappadiPalaniswami has already said that one should not talk about BJP and should not criticize BJP. Currently Annamalai is avoiding talking about AIADMK; He avoided talking about the alliance. Both men refrained from criticizing each other.On the other hand, Edappadi will not oppose Modi. Edappadi will not oppose BJP leaders.
That being so, Annamalai too will not oppose AIADMK here.Annamalai did not even answer the question about AIADMK's corruption.If both sides remain silent after putting an end to the conflict, it means that there is a relationship hidden there. So there is no denying that there may be a change in the current situation where BJP & AIADMK alliance will never form.
Let the election date approach; Let's wait!