Tamil Nadu Child Protection Commission conducted probe in Erode district collector's office regarding sale of ovum of 16-year-old girl in Erode recently.
Commission Chairman Saraswathi Rangasamy presided over the probe. Members Mallikai, Durairaj, Saranya, Jayakumar, Muralikumar, Erode District Medical Joint Director Gomati, District Child Protection Officer Saravanan, Additional District Superintendent of Police and Investigating Officer Kanageshwari, Surampatti Police Inspector Vijaya, participated in the investigation.
In Erode city, the girl was forced to sell ovum in Erode, Perundurai, Hosur, Salem,Tirupati,Thiruvananthapuram hospitals. So, police, after a probe, arrested her mother, mother's second husband, a broker Malathi, John, who changed the girl's Aadhaar card and jailed in this regard.
Senior officials of the medical department in Chennai have also been conducted probe at the concerned hospitals and arrested persons. In the investigation, it has been revealed that the second husband had sexually harassed the girl several times.
The girl has been kept in a government shelter in Erode RN Pudur for her safety.
Taking eggs and using them commercially has created a lot of flutter across Tamil Nadu.
So, in this regard, the Tamil Nadu Child Protection Commission officials conducted a probe with the police and medical department officials at the district collector's office for more than 2 hours this morning.