Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Wednesday kick-started the second phase of Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar Higher Education Assurance scheme titled ‘Pudhumai Penn’ at a function organized at Hindu college in the district. It would benefit 1.04 lakh girl students.
Implemented by the social welfare and women empowerment department, the scheme is aimed at providing financial assistance worth Rs 1,000 per month to girl students who had studied classes VI to XII at government schools. Stalin kick-started the first phase of the scheme in September and it has been benefitting 1.16 lakh students.
Stalin said
The state government has announced that about 12,000 students had resumed their education after a break following the introduction of the scheme. Speaking on the occasion, Stalin said, “The scheme has ensured an increase in higher education enrollment ratio by 25%. A single signature by the former Chief Minister Karunanidhi has changed the fare of lakhs of girls.
The scheme was implemented with an aim to ensure equal education to all. Property rights for women was fought and achieved during the DMK period and we have been pulling all strings to ensure that the education reaches all.” The Dravidian party emerged with an aim to provide equal opportunities to all, he said, adding that education is important for the growth of a country.