The following students from PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, have participated in the State Level CM TROPHY Athletic Meet held at Nehru Stadium, Chennai on July 18, organized by Government of Tamilnadu, and secured Medals, Certificates & Cash Awards: 1.M.Angel Silvia -III BA History, 100 mts event-Gold Medal, Certificate and Cash Award of Rs. 1,00,000, 200 mts event-Gold Medal, Certificate and Cash Award of Rs.1,00,000. 2. M.Olimba Steffi - I MA History, 400 mts- Bronze Medal, Certificate, Cash Award of Rs 50,000. 3. S.N.Lakshanya- I BBA, Long Jump - Silver Medal, Certificates, Cash Award of Rs. 75,000, 100 mts Hurdles - Bronze Medal, Certificate and Cash Award of Rs. 50,000.