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Today Date : Thursday, January 23, 2025

Coimbatore Rotarians to represent  Fellowship of Cricket at GOA

Coimbatore Rotarians to represent Fellowship of Cricket at GOA

A Team of 12 Cricketing Rotarians are going to represent IFCR (International Fellowship of Cricket Loving Rotarians) Coimbatore - Rotary Dist. 3201 for the upcoming All India IFCR Cricket Tournament - Fellowship Cup to be held in Goa from Feb 23 to 26. A total of 16 Teams from various parts of the country will participate in this tournament. For the 1st time Rotary Dist. 3170, Goa is conducting this IFCR All India Tournament.

Teams from Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Hasan, Hubli, Salem, Nashik, Kolkata and Bengaluru will participate.
It is going to take place after a gap of 3 years with around 300+ Rotarians from all over India.The IFCR Coimbatore Cricket team is led by Rtn. Sumit Kumar Prasad followed by other Rotarians: Prabhakar, Vasant, Srinivasan, Manikandan, MM Raja, Jayaraj, Dhanabal, Kanan, Mark, Madhan and Shylesh. Of various Clubs of Coimbatore. The team would leave for Goa on 22nd Feb.