A 16-year-old girl who was suffering from chronic kidney disease was given a new lease of life by the doctors at the Rainbow Childrens Hospital in Chennai. The transplantation was performed by the team of The 16-year-old girl visited the hospital along with her parents in December 2022 with severe anaemia, weight loss and height not appropriate to her age.
Ultrasound done showed that both kidneys were small in size confirming that she was suffering from chronic kidney disease. Senior Consultant - Pediatric Nephrology, Dr. N Prahlad, Senior Consultant - Pediatric Nephrology, said, the girl was maintained on dialysis but for long term survival transplant was needed. While the parents were willing to donate their kidney, the blood group of the child was O positive and her mother Was B positive.
Being a ABO incompatible medicines were given to ensure there is no mismatch and specialised dialysis was done 3 to 4 days before the transplantation.
But with the facilities available and the experienced team at Rainbow Childrens Hospital this surgery was performed successfully .Kidney of the mother was removed laparoscopically and was then transplanted to the child.
The whole surgery was completed in three hours .Post transplant child is on immunosuppressant treatment . The child has gained 2cms height, 3 kg weight on follow up and has normal renal function.