Deputy Superintendent of Police of Tamil Nadu special police former R Kumar has urged the public not to spread unverified messages through WhatsApp. Kumar had participated as the chief guest in the Thirukkural elocution and drawing contest for school and college students that was organized by Shriram Ilakkiya Kazhagam, a part of Shriram groups, at the Suburban higher secondary school in the city. Over 184 students took part in the competition.
Addressing the students, he said, “No matter what anyone says, it is knowledge to find the truth. Do not forward even messages received in WhatsApp to others without verifying its authenticity.”
“Though the job of a Police is a difficult one, it is a public service work. I like doing this job. I have more khaki uniforms than colour shirts. It shows my involvement. Every day we start our work by reciting a Thirukkural,” he added.
PSG college
In the competition, S Giruba Shankar and P Harishini from Satchidananda Jothi Nikethan international school won first prize of elocution competition under junior and senior categories respectively, while M Kavinilavan from PSG college of arts and science secured the first prize among college students.
Similarly, E Kowshika from TAT Kalanilayam middle school, MS Birundha from Sri Ramakrishna mission Vidyalaya Swami Shivananda higher secondary school and S Pirabakaran from Ganga college of nursing secured the first place under junior, senior and college categories.