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Today Date : Sunday, September 15, 2024

FlyBharathienters Indian aviation market

FlyBharathienters Indian aviation market

Fly BharathiAviations and Aeronautics Pvt Ltd. is ready to kickstart its aviation journey in the Indian skies. It has already acquired a majority stake in an existing airline to start its operations. The company, promoted by Mr. Girish Shivshankar Pillai, a businessman and social activist, will also focus on airport operations, maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) of airlines, cargo, and flight training apart from domestic flight operations.

GirishShivshankarPillai, Chairman, Fly Bharath,said that we are entering the Indian aviation market at a critical juncture when the industry is growing with infrastructure development support from the government and evolving consumer preference towards air travel. We see ourselves as playing a critical role in India’s aviation journey with our focus on comprehensive offering in the aviation sector. 

GurujeeKumaran Swami, Chairman, SRAM & MRAM Group, said that India is the world's third-largest domestic air passenger market. The country is at an inflection point for both domestic and international aviation and could emerge as the top aviation market globally by the turn of the decade.

The new aviation playerhopes to fill the talent gap in the aviation sector with the launch of training schools, which willnot only cater to its own business, but those of other industry players, and provide amuch-needed boost to the market.