A four years old child from Bihar with a complaint of complete inability to open his mouth was successfully treated by the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Saveetha Dental College.
According to an official communication from the college, the child had fallen from the stairs when he was only 18 months old. Since then his mouth opening gradually reduced to almost 5 mm at present.
The child was referred to Professor .Dr.Murugesan at Saveetha Dental College as adequate treatment was not available in that place.
At Saveetha, the patient was diagnosed with TMJ ankylosis of the left TMJ. The patient had undergone surgery where a costochondral graft was obtained after which gap arthroplasty was performed and the graft was used to reconstruct the new TM joint.
A mouth opening which was previously 5 mm has now been increased to 30 mm which is almost normal.