The Madras high court on Monday ordered a fresh autopsy on the body of the class XII student, who had allegedly ended her life by suicide at a private school hostel at Chinnasalem in Kallakurichi district.
The direction was given by Justice N Sathish Kumar while hearing a writ petition filed by the girl’s father seeking a re-postmortem of the body. Suspecting it to be a murder, the girl’s father, in his petition, alleged that there were multiple injuries on the body of her daughter and the school management was trying to hush up the issue.
The previous autopsy report stated that the girl had died of haemorrhage and shock due to multiple injuries.
The judge has also permitted the petitioner and his advocate K Kesavan to be present at the venue while performing the fresh autopsy without causing any hindrance to the team of three doctors. He, further, directed the petitioner to accept the girl’s body after the re-post-mortem.
Coming down heavily on those who instigated violence during the protest that took place on Sunday, the court has ordered the state police to form special teams to identify and take stringent action against those who instigated violence.
Announcing that the court will directly monitor the police investigation on the Kallakurichi violence, he directed the police officials to submit a status report by July 29. Further, the judge said that the peaceful protests turning violent all of a sudden is nothing but an organized crime and it does not look like a mere act of provocation. He further directed the state police to take it as a test case and take action against the accused thereby sending a strong message to the public to prevent a similar situation in future.
He also ordered the officials to take action against those who conducted parallel investigation and trial on social media platforms.
The court said that the investigations of all the deaths that take place in educational institutions should be conducted by the CB-CID and autopsy should be conducted by a team of three doctors.
The state government on Sunday transferred the case to CB-CID and arrested three people - correspondent, secretary and principal of the school - after the district witnessed a massive protest and protest.