The Madras High Court on Thursday directed the Tamil Nadu government to remove the seal of Sudha Hospital in Erode district. The hospital was sealed after a 16-year-old girl’s ovarian eyes were retieved and sold.
The direction were given while hearing a petition filed by the hospital management. During the hearing, the hospital aruged that their equipment were sealed without offering any legal justification and it was obstructing their medical practice.
The health department informed the court that the action was taken in public interest as per the law. The official further said that they had not issued any prior notice as the chances of destorying evidences were high. They informed the court that the girl’s identity was forged on Aadhaar card to show as a 27-year-old female in violation of law.
Hearing both the arguments, Justice Abdul Quddhose said that there has been no prior complaints against the hospital since it began operating and the hospital’s registration would be suspended only upon finding satisfactory evidences. Shortly, the Judge quashed the government’s order sealing the hospital and stated that it had not provided sufficient reasons for suspending the hospital’s registeration.
The court further directed the health department to issue a fresh order within 12 weeks and give the hospital sufficient time to explain the matter.