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Today Date : Sunday, January 26, 2025

Intl meet in Ramakrishna College

Intl meet in Ramakrishna College

Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science for Women, Coimbatore organised an International Conference on the theme “Discovering and Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing” on February 16  hosted by Department of Commerce and Business Administration. 

Dr. D.Padmavathi, HOD - Commerce,  welcomed the delegates and the participants. Dr. K. Chitra, Principal explained the quintessence of the conference followed by the inaugural keynote address by Mr. Seilesh Kumaar, Founder and CEO of IXLY Technologies, Coimbatore on “Key Digital Skills to become a Next Gen Digital Marketer”.

Digital Transformation in the Tourism Industry

Dr. T. Bina, Director, Happy Valley Business School addressed the gathering on “Leveraging Digital Tools for Flywheel Marketing”. This was followed by Dr. Kei Wei Chia, Senior Lecturer, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Taylor’s University, Malaysia who addressed on “ Digital Transformation in the Tourism Industry” in the video conferencing mode. 

Research  and conceptual papers on the theme of the conference were presented by academicians, research scholars, students from India and abroad in online and offline modes. Best papers were selected and rewarded in the valedictory meeting. Dr.I.Karthika, Associate Professor in Commerce thanked the delegates and participants for their overwhelming interest and response.