iQOO has unveiled iQOO Z6 Lite 5G with Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 Processor and many other features under 15K segment. The phone features 120Hz refresh rate, 5000mAh battery, 50MP Eye Autofocus camera, latest Android 12 version, AnTuTu score of 388K+, etc.iQOO Z6 Lite 5G is priced at Rs.13,999 (Effective Price: Rs 11,499) for 4GB+64GB and Rs 15,499 (Effective Price: Rs. 12,999) for 6GB+128GB variant.
The phone will launch and go on sale starting September 14, 2022 on and iQOO e-store from 12:15 PM onwards. iQOO is also providing a bundled offer on the charger where users can purchase the same at just INR 399 (67% discount), if purchased along with the smartphone.