The Tamil Nadu government has not accepted the new education policy proposed by the central government and has formed a committee to review it before making a final decision. Despite efforts by Tamil Nadu’s School Education Minister and Chief Minister to secure the Integrated Education Schem funds, the central government has not released them, reportedly due to Tamil Nadu’s refusal to implement the new education policy. This has led to a controversy, impacting teacher salaries and student education in Tamil Nadu.
Denial of funds due to the Tamilnadu government affecting students is unfair. Leader of Opposition Edappadi Palaniswami, PMK leader Anbumani Ramadoss and other party leaders have condemned this trend of the central government.
Minister Anbil Mahesh has publicly accused the central government of putting pressure on the government to adopt a new education policy by withholding funds, forgetting that education is on the balance sheet.
The fact is that the DMK government of Tamil Nadu will never accept the National Education Policy, which includes the trilingual scheme. Moreover, imposing the trilingual policy on Tamil Nadu is tantamount to laying hands on the honeycomb. This is well known to the central government and BJP leaders.
There is no compulsion for the state governments to adopt the new education policy of the central government. State governments have the power to formulate their own education policies. Therefore, denying the funds due under the Integrated Education Scheme on the pretext of new education policy is an injustice and is tantamount to stalling educational development.