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Today Date : Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Kathir College principal Karpagam  spreads awareness about preventing roadkill

Kathir College principal Karpagam spreads awareness about preventing roadkill

Dr. R. Karpagam, the Principal of Kathir College of Arts and Science in Coimbatore, embarked on a solitary bike journey to Kotagiri with a mission to advocate for wildlife preservation. A passionate biker and nature lover, she commenced her ride from the Coimbatore forest office to Kotagiri on February 3rd, brimming with enthusiasm to make a meaningful difference. Along the route, she took the opportunity to raise awareness among passersby about the importance of preventing roadkill and safeguarding wildlife.
During her journey, Dr. Karpagam engaged with numerous officials and wildlife teams, engaging in discussions about strategies for wildlife conservation. On February 4th, she completed her successful trip, returning from Kotagiri via Coonoor to Coimbatore, having effectively conveyed her message and contributed to the cause of wildlife protection.