Housing Minister S. Muthuswamy alongwith Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poiyamozhi thanked the voters in Annai Satya Nagar area of Erode on Thursday evening following the victory. He said that the landslide victory of the DMK alliance candidate in the Erode East by-elections showed the confidence of the people in the Chief Minister. After the victory of Congress candidate EVKS Elangovan in the Erode East constituency by-election, Muthusamy told reporters on Thursday evening: Chief Minister has completed many projects in the last 22 months of rule.
EVKS Elangovan Said
It raised the confidence of people have in this government. The Chief Minister will soon fulfill the expectations of the people of this segment. In particular, the opposition parties campaigned on the scheme to provide an entitlement amount of Rs 1,000 per month to the women head of the family. The Chief Minister said that it will be announced in the budget. When the Chief Minister came to Erode to campaign, he heard the demands from the residents of the people.The Chief Minister has promised to fulfill them.