A two-day national level conference on ‘Education 5.0: revolutionizing learning for the future’ was organized by the IQAC of Thiagarajar college of preceptors in Madurai district from May 26.
Founding professor and head of department of educational technology, Tamil Nadu teachers education university, N Ramakrishnan, delivered the keynote address. S Angel Rathnabai from Central institute of educational technology in New Delhi, V Senthil, an associate professor from Thiagarajar school of management in Madurai, K Thiyagu, an assistant professor from the Central university of Kerala and P Muthupandi, an associate professor and director (in-charge), DDE of Madurai Kamaraj university handled various sessions at the conference.
Faculties and students from various colleges participated in the conference and presented their research papers. Principal of the college S Prakash along with assistant professors S Rajakumar and K Thangavel coordinated the conference.