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Today Date : Saturday, February 08, 2025

Nirmala Sitharaman’s empty slogan budget!

Nirmala Sitharaman’s empty slogan budget!

NirmalaSitharaman, the Finance Minister, unveiled the concluding budget for the 10-year BJP government. She spoke extensively about the actions of the BJP in previous years during this budget address. On the other hand, her speech text says nothing about the nation's economic issues.
Finance Minister NirmalaSitharaman has said that the per capita income of the people in India has increased by 50 percent and due to this the standard of living of the people has increased. Despite the government statistics, many innocent people are still suffering without adequate income.
Numerous claims of the finance minister's regarding accomplishments of the BJP are wholly unrelated to the reality. According to NirmalaSitharaman, 25 crore people have overcome poverty and their standard of living is rising.However, the truth has emerged from news media reports, such as those by the New Indian Express, which reveal that the nation's employment rate continues to decline. Climate affects employment growth in the agriculture sector. In this scenario, the question arises as to how the livelihood of the people can be restored.
According to the report published by the National Statistical Commission, the monthly income of the people is 10 to 12 thousand rupees. How can we accept the claim of 50 percent rise in per capita income when the situation is like this?It can be seen that their condition is such that it is difficult to make a living due to the rise in prices. Thus, the question arises as to whom this increase in per capita income is for. Many people are questioning whether the finance minister is referring to the rise in income and living standards of Ambani and Adani.
Apart from this, the finance minister has  also promised to build 2 crore houses. The promise of more than 2 crore houses will be unrealistic when the earlier promised houses have not been completed.
There is no separate announcement for small and medium enterprises for an increased monthly income in GST taxation.  As GST revenue has touched approximately Rs1.73 lakh crore, there was a huge expectation from the businessmen that an announcement on single point tax will be madeby consolidating multipoint GST tax. 
That expectation has been dashed. The prime minister's single mantra of one country, one tax, one election seems to have taken a break here.
There is no announcement in the budget to solve financial crisis, problem in allocation of funds to states and unemployment. Businessmen also expected the income tax exemption to be increased to Rs 10 lakh. That didn't happen either.NirmalaSitharaman has given only a few welcome announcements such as 300 units of free electricity if you generate solar power at home which is like giving toffees to children.
With its sights set on securing a third consecutive term, the BJP government has consistently disregarded the present issues. 
The budget contains nothing but pretentious platitudes and lip service pretending that we have had extraordinary progress. The interim budget is dismal overall!