The relief aid announced by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Mr. M.K Stalin to the victims of the explosion in a private fire cracker warehouse on Thursday (June 1, 2023) was distributed by District Revenue Officer
Dr.P. Menaka and Salem North Assembly Member Mr.R.Rajendran on Friday
Three persons were killed and six persons were injured due to an accidental
explosion on June 1,2023 in a privately owned firecracker warehouse operating in S.Kollapatti village, Salem Taluk, Salem district. The injured are undergoing treatment at Salem Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital are being given special treatment.
After learning about this accident, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister immediately announced that Rs. 50 thousand each will be given to the injured and Rs. 3 lakh each to the
families of the deceased. The District Revenue Officer Dr.P. Menaka and Salem North Assembly Member Mr.R.Rajendran presented checks worth Rs.3 lakh each to the families of the deceased and Rs.50,000 each to the 6 injured persons who are undergoing treatment at the hospital.
Salem Government Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital Dean Dr. Mani, Medical
Superintendent Dr P. V Dhanapal and related government officials were present on the occasion.