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Today Date : Saturday, February 08, 2025

O Womaniya! 2022 study reveals  Positive Gender shift in streaming films

O Womaniya! 2022 study reveals Positive Gender shift in streaming films

Media consulting firm, Ormax Media and entertainment platform, Film Companion has released O Womaniya! 2022, the most definitive report on female representation in Indian entertainment.

According to the report, women have low representation behind-the-camera with only 10% head of department (HOD) positions across key divisions (production design, writing, editing, direction and cinematography) held by women. Out of the 56 theatrical films analyzed across languages, not even one was directed or edited by a woman. Only 55% of the films and series passed the Bechdel Test. 

Even in promotional trailers analyzed through the Trailer Talk Time Test2, women had only 25% talk time with 48 titles even allocating 10 seconds or less to female characters. 

Percentage of female HODs doubled when a woman greenlit a series or a film. Similarly, a higher percentage of films passed the Bechdel Test (68%) and women had higher trailer talk time (35%) if the title was commissioned by a woman.

However sreaming is driving the change. Streaming films and series performed better than theatrical films across all parameters indicating the change the sector is ushering in representation on and off-screen. 
For instance, representation of female HODs in streaming films and series was five times higher than theatrical films. 

Similarly, 64% of streaming series and 55% of streaming films passed the Bechdel Test, as opposed to more than half of theatrical films failing it. 

Likewise, streaming films and series provided more talk time to female characters in trailers, leading theatrical films by 10 percentage points and 14 percentage points respectively.