Sathy based NGO READ conducted a painting expo and released posters against child labour in connection with the World Anti-Child Labour Day to be observed on June 12 at Sathy on Thursday. It was inaugurated by Sathy municipal chairperson Janaki in the presence of the NGO director Karuppasamy, additional director Maheswaran, coordinators Uma, Pattammal and many dignitaries.
READ has been working for the educational development of children and economic advancement of women and workers for the past 22 years. It was holding anti-child labour campaign for more than 32 years, with joining hands with over 200 NGOs with the aim of creating child labour free Tamil Nadu. In connection with the World Anti Child Labour Day, it conducted painting competition on children's condition in post Corona period and displayed the paintings for public view in the expo. Posters were released on the subject asking people not to engage children up-to 18 years of age for work and to ensure children's right to education. It was followed by a seminar on the plight of child labour.