Dr. Pradeep V Krishna Kumar, City Health Officer, Coimbatore Corporation inaugurated the activities of Health Care Club in PSGR Krishnammal College for Women (PSGRKCW) Coimbatore for the academic year 2022-23 on 9.9.2022 by giving an awareness speech about traditional practices for healthy life.
He delivered the inaugural address among the student community about the health care and hygiene to live long, happy, successful, and happy lives. He also insisted that regular habits play a very important role in forming our life and health.
Mrs Chitra Velliangiri, 26th ward Councillor graced the inauguration by lighting the kuthuvilakku and advised the students to give priorities for health care. Health care club Secretary Sutharshana – III B.Sc Botany welcomed the gathering, Mrs Sugantha Sampathkumar – dean of sports and health, felicitated the guests.
Health care club joint secretary Sanmitha-III BA Economics delivered the vote of thanks after the prize distribution of the first event of Health Care. Around 300 students participated and benefited from the program.