The Government of Tamil Nadu is implementing the ``KalaingarWomen's Rights Scheme'' to provide an entitlement amount of Rs.1000 per month to the head of the family for the serious purpose of improving the livelihood of the women who work tirelessly for the family, raising the standard of living and leading them to live with self-respect in the society.
1.065 crore women who fulfilled the scheme criteria were selected as beneficiaries after all the applications received under the Kalaingar Women's Rights Scheme were cross-checked against the information in various information databases of the government and verified through direct field inspections by the government officials.
An entitlement amount of Rs.1000 per month will be paid into the bank account of the head of the household. This month's payment has been made.
It is fitting that Chief Minister M.K.Stalin launched the program in Kanchipuram on the 115th birth anniversary of Aringar Anna (September 15).
M.K.Stalin, who is running the Dravidian model of government, has put another jewel in its crown at the end of his two-year rule.
When DMK came back to power in 1989 Muttamizharingar KalaingarKarunanidhi legislated property rights for women.
Besides doing what he said in the last election manifesto, Chief Minister M. K. Stalin is also doing many unsaid feats.
He proudly claims that he has fulfilled 99 percent of his promises. Is a cat born to a tiger?
Even in a severe financial crisis, he has executed the scheme of giving Rs.1000 to the girl.
On the day he took over as Chief Minister, Stalin gave a pleasant surprise to women by giving them a free bus ride;
It turned out to be a material saving scheme for the poor woman going to daily work.
Rs.1000 per month is already knocking on the door for a college going girl in the family.
It is no ordinary event to be awarded Rs 1000 in Artist Women's Entitlement Scheme among those achievements; A historic achievement.
What other proof do you need that Tamil Nadu is the premier state in India and M.K.Stalin is the premier chief minister?
"Kalaingar Women's Entitlement Fund" is not only a poverty alleviation project, but a revolutionary project that will transform the patriarchal society itself!
Congratulations to Chief Minister M.K.Stalin&
May his reign and achievements continue!