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Today Date : Saturday, February 08, 2025

Say 'No to drugs' rally

Say 'No to drugs' rally

In yet another effort for spreading awareness against Social evils  amongst students and general public of surrounding area, the Samhita  Academy, Malumichampatti (Coimbatore) has conducted a “Say No to  Drugs” rally in Malumichampatti town on March 25.

The students and staff of the institution participated in a big way in huge  number by carrying placards, banners and pamphlets etc with anti-drugs slogans which was flagged off at 9 AM in the morning from the SPT ground by  the Malumichampatti Panchayat Vice President Mr Satish and the School Principal Mrs Pushpaja MP in presence of huge students/public gathering. 

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Satish, the Vice Chairman up-lauded the  effort by the School in bringing 
awareness on such social evils like drug and  other narcotic substances amongst the students in particular and the people of Malumichampatti as a whole.