Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Monday inaugurated the labour welfare and skill development department’s industrial training centres and employment exchange office through video conference from secretariat in the city. The buildings are constructed at the cost of Rs 29.75 crore.
The state has been opening vocational training centres at several districts in the state with an intention to uplift the socio-economic status of the people by providing them both skill development training and employment opportunities. Under various schemes, the state government has been increasing the number of industrial training centres, improving its infrastructure and introducing new courses to increase the manpower of the state.
On Monday, the chief minister inaugurated the government industrial training institute and hostel in Udumalpet at the cost of Rs 5.56 crore, classrooms and laboratory for technician medical electronics course at government industrial training institute in Nagercoil at the cost of Rs 72 lakhs and classrooms and laboratory for the newly introduced techniques in fire service and industrial safety course at government industrial training institute in Virudhunagar at the cost of Rs 2.05 crore, through video conferencing.
Stalin also virtually inaugurated the classrooms and laboratory for the newly introduced lift and escalator mechanic course at government industrial training institute in Trichy at the cost of Rs 99 lakhs and smart classes, computer lab, library and office room at the model government industrial training institute in Coimbatore at the cost of Rs 2.50 crore.
The employment exchange office, the office of deputy director of employment exchange department (Chennai) and service centre for the department of adi dravidar and tribal welfare that were built at the cost of Rs 3.30 crores in Chennai, were also inaugurated.
Stalin also inaugurated hostel buildings at government industrial training institutes in Madurai, Thoothukudi, Nagalapuram, Namakkal and Ambasamuthiram at the cost of Rs 14.63 crores.
The state education minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi, labour welfare and skill development minister CV Ganesan, principal secretary of labour welfare and skill development department Mohammed Nasimuddin and other other officials participated in the event.
The chief minister also flagged off 187 vehicles that were procured at the cost of Rs 23.66 crores. The vehicles will be used by the officials of the municipal administration department.