All opposition leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, have accused the Union government of obstructing the plans of state governments in non-BJP-ruled states. In this context, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu MK Stalin has participated in the Communist Party of India (Marxist) conference held in Kannur, Kerala and gave an emotional speech. His voice to restore state rights has echoed throughout the country.
When there is a cabinet elected by the people, is it not unfair to think of ruling with a Governor? Is this the rule of law? MK Stalin called on everyone to fight it. He also called for the formation of a committee of southern state Chief Ministers to break down the stalemate posed by the central government.
The voice of state autonomy has been heard.
They keep reiterating the "One country, one election, one food, one choice, one education, one religion, one language, one culture,..." If it goes like this it will become the only party. If there is only one party - then only one person would be the ultimate power. There can be no other danger than this.
The voice against such authoritarianism is ‘Autonomy in the State - Federalism in the Centre’. It is alleged that the central government is acting with generosity if the ruling party in the centre is in the power of the state and with a stepmotherly attitude if the opposition is in power in the ruling states. Opposition leaders have also proved the allegation with proper evidence. Yet the course of the conflict between the Union and State Governments could not be avoided.
It is the people who are affected by this and not the heads of state. State governments need to become more empowered to put an end to this problem. There is a guide for that too, Chief Minister MK Stalin. His idea is to amend the constitutional laws to give the states more powers. Let the voice of the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu be echoed all over India so that it falls on the ears of the Union Government