In Tamil Nadu, installation of smart meters to calculate electricity consumption is underway. Smart meters were first installed in about 1.10 lakh houses in Chennai T. Nagar on pilot basis.This test was successful.
They have decided to take this to other parts of Chennai. After that they have decided to implement it all over Tamil Nadu.
Now to calculate the electricity, the electricity department staff will come to the house and measure it. The amount of electricity consumption will be calculated according to the indication given by them. But once the smart meter arrives, it will not only show us the readings related to the electricity we use but also show it to the electricity department office. It will be updated accurately every 15 minutes. This allows electricians to take measurements without coming to the house.
No penalty has been announced so there will be no penalty for those who fail to install the smart meter.- Electricity charges will be charged monthly after installation of smart meter. 2 month billing cycle will be abandoned. The central government's plan to charge 20 percent extra electricity during night hours is not allowed in Tamil Nadu. Thus... Finance Minister Thangam Tennarasu has been making series of announcements since his appointment as Tamil Nadu Electricity Minister.
Similarly, it is said that the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board is considering to bring a system of payment of electricity bill only through online if the electricity bill is more than Rs. 1000 or Rs.2000 rupees. The electricity board is planning to introduce this system to avoid handling extra cash at electricity offices and avoid people standing in queues.
Due to the efforts of Senthil Balaji, who was the Minister of Power, no power cut was announced in Tamil Nadu even during the hot summer. He should be commended for providing electricity at a level where consumers are not affected. Current Minister of Power Thangam Thanarasu has accelerated his work. There is no doubt that Tamil Nadu will become an electricity surplus state.
Bright Tamil Nadu indeed!