Tamil Nadu is the safest state for women, said Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin during the Women’s Day celebration at Ethiraj college in the city on Wednesday.
In the event that was organized by the social welfare and women empowerment department, the Chief Minister took part as the chief guest. He was honoured by the first woman driver of the electric train, Thilakavathy, DIG Chamundeeswari, fire service officer Priya Ravichandran and Meenkashi Vijayakumar, plastic surgeon Rasheetha Begum, a musician Jyothikalai. Stalin in turn gifted them books. He also distributed various awards during the function.
Stalin honoured 90-year-old Nilgiris Kamalam Chinnasamy, who had written 43 books and has been doing various activities to uplift the livelihood of women and children, with a certificate, an eight gram gold coin and a cheque worth Rs 1 lakh. He also awarded Ilampirai, who is a class XI student from Salem, with a girl child award, for her invention to rectify faulty elevators in apartments.
She was bestowed with a certificate and a cheque worth Rs 1 lakh. The best collector award was given to Tiruvallur district collector Alphy John Walkies for implementing schemes ensuring the safety of women and children.
The second prize under the category was given to Nagapattinam district administration and third prize was given to Namakkal district administration. The Chief Minister also distributed work orders to those selected on humanitarian basis.
Stalin said
While addressing the gathering, he said, “Women are someone who deserve appreciation on a regular basis. Dravida Iyyakkam fought for women empowerment. Women’s Day is an important day to remember the struggle for human rights. By greeting the women, we are actually greeting the nation.”
“Kanaki had the courage to question the king. It is only during the later years, women were subjugated. The Dravida Iyyakam helped the women to break their shackles. It is only the women who bestowed the Periyar title to him. Free bus ride for women is not a freebie but it is their right. Tamil Nadu is the safest state for women,” he said.
Ministers Ponmudi, Geetha Jeevan, Kayalvizhi Selvaraj and PK Sekarbabu, city mayor Priya, MP Dhayanidhi Maran and others attended the event. Earlier, Stalin visited the women’s police station on Anna Salai and greeted the women official. He handed over books to them.