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Today Date : Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Twin MoU Signing Ceremony held

Twin MoU Signing Ceremony held

National Service Scheme (NSS), Community Social Service (CSS) and the Department of Home Science Extension Education jointly Signed MoUs with ALERT NGO for ALERT GOLDEN ARMY and ARC Foundation for creation of Dr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam Rural Library in the adopted villages through Book Donation Campaigns on April 27 in Hi Tech Seminar Hall. 
Around 1250 books were donated by the student NSS volunteers and Pothys Textiles, Coimbatore donated around 500 Books.  
Dr. V.Bharathi Harishankar, Vice Chancellor, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women inaugurated the event and Alert Golden Army, Avinashilingam Institute Chapter. 
Dr.S.Kowsalya, Registrar greeted the audience.       Ms. Kala Balasundaram, Founder Trustee – ALERT  NGO presented Founder’s Address. 
Dr. N.Vasugi, Dean, School of Home Science welcomed. 
Dr. Kalaiselvi Senthil, Assistant Dean, and NSS Co-ordinator Dr.T.Radha, Mr. Karthik Venkatesh, Manager – Operations, ALERT NGO, and Dr. R. Jansi Rani, HoD (i/c), Department of Home Science spoke.