With the efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, India has forged close ties with the gulf countries. Against this background, Nupur Sharma, the BJP's spokesperson, has expressed controversial comments about the Prophet Muhamed in her Twitter post, triggering furore across the countries.
Several Islamic organizations in India have condemned this and in Arab countries, it has stirred strong reactions. The hashtag," Boycott Indian products has been trending on social media all over Arab nations. The condemnation shocked the Indian government. Nupur Sharma was suspended temporarily from the party. Navin Jindal has been removed from the party itself.
Yet it has become not only a national issue but an international one. Hence a letter of regret or suspension action will not be sufficient say, political commentators. Kuwait, Iran, and Qatar have summoned the Indian ambassadors and sought clarification. The Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) comprising 57 countries has criticized India over the controversial comment about Prophet Muhamed.
BJP has taken action against the persons concerned with the controversy. A letter of explanation has also been circulated on behalf of the party. Hence the BJP and the Union Government think that the issue has ended. But in the Gulf countries, the issue still rages. It is being opined that for the issue to be resolved, both the BJP and the Central Government should issue direct statements.
Since becoming the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has visited Gulf countries several times. Good relations have prevailed as an outcome of those visits. The comment of BJP's national spokesperson is a major setback for India as Prophet Muhamed is a reverential religious saint revered by all Muslims across the world.
India has always been a country that traditionally upholds the principle of, " unity in diversity". This value has to continue. The ruling government and no organization should be given room to undermine this. Particularly there should be no adverse impact on the economic relations with the Arab countries.
Let us safeguard Indian sovereignty.