Upstox, one of India’s leading digital investment platforms, has launched a new campaign, ‘Invest right’ to help individuals learn where to invest, when to invest and most importantly why to invest.
This campaign rollout will coincide with the start of the new season of the Indian Premier League (IPL). Upstox is an Official Partner of the Tata IPL.
Indian Premier League
With this campaign, Upstox seeks to change how India invests – make it simple, intuitive and engaging, much like how the IPL has transformed and given a new direction to Indian cricket in the last decade.Alongside this feature, Upstox also aims to educate Indians on the simple Truths of Investing.
For instance if one starts an SIP of just 5000 which gives 12.5% return and stays invested for 25 years in the markets, their money has the potential to grow to a crore, showcasing the power of compounding.
Throughout the campaign Upstox is conducting a series of online and offline learning sessions on Mutual Funds, Technical Analysis, Option Trading and more. With this,Upstox aims to provide individuals with a holistic, 360-degree approach to investing enabling them to learn, decide, invest and trade all with Upstox, said Kavitha Subramanian, Co-founder, Upstox.