The valedictory function of Vigilance Awareness Week 2023, was arranged by the NLCIL vigilance Department on Nov 10. The Week was observed on the theme "Say No to Corruption, Commit to the Nation". Prasanna Kumar Motupalli, Chairman and Managing Director, NLCIL presided. K Mohan Reddy, Director/Planning & Projects, and Appakannu Govindarajan, IPOS, Chief Vigilance Officer, NLCIL, spoke on the occasion. Ashok Dattatraya Kepte, CGM/Vigilance welcomed. Appakannu Govindarajan, CVO, NLCIL, stressed on the importance of data. He said that the Vigilance Department would always be a source of support to the organization. Prasanna Kumar Motupalli CMD, congratulated the entire NLCIL family as the stock price of NLCIL share touched yesterday Rs.150, the highest in 13 years. Appreciating the initiatives taken by Vigilance Branch he said that the core values of NLCIL, including transparency and accountability were being followed in letter and spirit at NLCIL which were appreciated by many.During the Occasion Booklets on "Ethics and good Practices"and E-lignite Eyes had been released by CMD,NLCIL. ERP-MIS application was also Launched. Prizes for the winners of short film competition conducted on this year's theme were distributed. A Eraniyan, CGM/Vigilance proposed vote of thanks.