Ahead of the Parliamentary General Elections, Villupuram District Collectorate took a unique initiative to raise awareness about the importance of voting. A model polling station was set up under the sea by scuba divers to promote 100 percent voter turnout. District Electoral Officer and District Collector Dr. Palani shared a video of this extraordinary setup on Monday.
Various departments are actively engaging in awareness campaigns to emphasise the significance of voting, targeting diverse groups such as senior citizens, differently-abled individuals, transgenders, women self-help group members, and first-generation voters in Villupuram district.
The video, created by deep-sea divers through scuba diving, showcases the model underwater polling centre, aiming to encourage public participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections and achieve maximum voter turnout.
District Electoral Officer/ District Collector Dr. C Palani emphasised the importance of exercising the democratic right to vote in the upcoming parliamentary elections. District Superintendent of Police Dr. Deepak Sivach, Tindivanam Sub-Collector Divyanshu Nikam, and other government officials also attended the event to support this initiative.