vivo, has today expanded its Y-series portfolio with the launch of Y100 in India. vivo Y100 is the first Y-series smartphone to feature the unique color-changing Fluorite AG glass rear panel in a premium thin and light weight body design. The smartphone features a 64 MP OIS Anti-Shake Camera, 44W Flashcharge with a 4500 mAh battery.
Vivo smartphone
Y100 is the first vivo smartphone to come with two eye-catching color-changing variants- Pacific Blue and Twilight Gold along with a third metal black color option. The smartphone is priced at Rs 24,999 for 8GB+128GB variant and will be available starting today on Amazon, Flipkart, vivo India e-store and across all partner retail stores. Consumers can also avail cashback of up to Rs 1500 from Kotak Mahindra, HDFC, ICICI and SBI.