In the recent plus 2,10th and plus 1 board exam results, the Thindal Vellalar Matric HSS, Erode, recorded cent per cent pass with highest marks. In plus 2, Keerthana scored 596 marks and became district topper. In plus 1 exam, S Lalitha and Dharsha was school toppers with getting 582 marks out of 600, followed by S Dhanisha 576, K Deepa 572. 6 students got centum in Accountancy, 2 in Business Maths and 1 French. In 10th, V Divyashree stood school topper with 489 marks, followed by S Roshitha 488, AJ Harinishree, and M Harshatha 486.
School trust president Jayakumar, secretary SD Chandrasekhar, principal Latha, AO Rajeswari and manager L Chenniappan felicitated the students.