Due to the Tamil Nadu Government's Wakf Board Notice, sale and purchase of properties worth Rs 1000 Crores has been frozen in Perundurai segment alone, said former Minister Thoppu Venkatachalam. On behalf of Property Protection Federation and Public Welfare Organizations from Perundurai region, he presented a petition to Housing Minister S Muthuswamy at Erode today.
The petition states that on February 21, 2022, Wakf Board sent a notice to registrars prohibiting the sale, purchase and registration of properties in more than a thousand survey numbers and warned violation of this order would lead to imprisonment for two years. So, the registration department has banned the registration of deeds for all survey numbers without knowing whether the said survey numbers are old or new. So, purchase and sales of thousands of assets have been completely blocked.
On the board's official website, it has been announced that the board owns a total of 606 properties, including 121 in Bhavani taluk, 91 in Erode, 162 in Gopi, 57 in Perundurai, 25 in Sathyamangalam taluks in the district.
This announcement has shocked the public.It has been notified that of 606, 469 assets were not found.
Therefore, we request the government to take immediate action and release the majority of the properties that are not owned or related to the board in any way from the order of the board. Based on the data in the district administration, the data on the assets of the board can be published openly.
The problem is even if the board owns 5 cent of land in a survey no, the entire assets of the survey no were banned for sales and purchase by the board.
Those who have already bought a house or land with their investment are now struggling to get money by selling the property for marriage or emergency purposes in their family. In fact, after 1896, individuals have started buying and selling assets through registration department. People have been enjoying the property for hundreds of years.
DTCP approval has also been obtained for the properties. But, according to the 1958 records, the board has taken this action. Now, this kind of problem surfaced all over the state. People are not able to get even encumbrance certificate for the assets located in the survey no.s mentioned by the board, he rued.
Muthusamy instructed Erode RDO Sathishkumar to identify the board assets only and exempt rest of the assets from the board's order by verifying the revenue records. If it is a place of worship for Muslims, it can be banned from selling. Similarly, there should not be any problem for people to buy or sell property which is not related to Wakf Board. He assured to take up the issue to Revenue and Wakf Board Ministers to find a solution.