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Today Date : Friday, September 13, 2024

Wall of Hope inaugurated in Ramakrishna Hospital

Wall of Hope inaugurated in Ramakrishna Hospital

On the account of World Premature Day, Sri Ramakrishna Hospital inaugurated the "Wall of Hope" to bring awareness about premature births and gave insights about the newly launched treatment options in the NICU (The Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit).Premature babies are born before the completion of 37 weeks of gestation. 
This concern has been on the rise, and India alone contributes to the 1/5th population of preterm births. 

World Premature day

The statistics show that every 1 in 10 births is preterm birth. November 17th marks World Premature day to highlight the issues and hardships that premature babies face and the challenges they pose to medical experts. Hospital has inaugurated a "Wall of Hope" in the recently renovated NICU ward to celebrate this day and make it extra special for parents and the little ones. 

Dr. Suja Mariam, Consultant Neonatologist, spoke on the recent renovation and said that the new additions to the NICU have not only included the latest technology upgrade but have also taken forward our mission of family-centered, developmentally supportive care to the next level.