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Today Date : Friday, September 13, 2024

1,058 graduates of Jansons Institute of Technology received their degrees

1,058 graduates of Jansons Institute of Technology received their degrees

About 1058 graduates received their degrees during the ninth graduation day celebration of the Jansons Institute of Technology was organized at Sivaganga audition in the college premises on Saturday.

The graduates from various branches like civil engineering, computer science engineering, electronics and communication engineering, electrical and electronics engineering and mechanical engineering received their degrees.Sivakumar Deivacikamani, vice-president, Cognizant, Rtn. MPHF TS Natarajan, chairman, Jansons foundation, TN Kalaimani, vice-chairman, Jansons foundation, TN Thirukumar,c vice-chairman, Jansons foundation, principal and the heads of various departments attended the function along with students and parents. 

Graduation Day

The chairman of the institution declared the graduation day open. The chief guest, Sivakumar, in his address said that learning is a continuous process. He said, “Self-belief is cardinal to success and when the graduands believe in them, they have already won half the battle. Hard work and grit can turn around any life situation no matter how hard it seems. All the dots that seem haphazard now will eventually connect and people will look back at all their struggles with pride and joy. 

Apart from offering the finest infrastructure and uncompromised comfort, the Jansons Institute of Technology is also maintaining high standards in education and helping to mold young engineers in society.”He also pointed out that most of the graduands were placed with leading MNCs.