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Today Date : Saturday, February 08, 2025

2 integrated service centres for diffables to be set up: Collector

2 integrated service centres for diffables to be set up: Collector

Collector Rajagopal Sunkara presented prizes to the students who won in sports competitions for differently abled children, held  on behalf of the differently abled welfare department on the occasion of World Handicapped Day at Erode URC School on Sunday.

 In his speech, he said: 41,111 diffables in the district were given Identity Cards, 21,841  Unique ID cards. Welfare assistance worth Rs.13.00 crore were provided in 2021-2022. Last year, Rs.19.15 crore worth aid were provided to 8203 beneficiaries. 7349 were given Maintenance Allowance of (Rs.2000 per month) Rs 14.48 cr, 19 types of assistive devices worth Rs 1.77 cr to 1602 persons, education aid of Rs 10.70 lakhs to 304 persons, Rs 7.58 lakhs bank loan subsidy to 39 persons, Rs 6 lakhs  to 16 persons under the marriage grant scheme with 8 gm gold coin, salary and food grant of Rs.13.44 lakh were given to diffables schools, Rs 8.50 lakh  to 17 persons under the Aavin parlour scheme, and 410 visually impaired given free bus pass. 

 With World Bank aid of Rs 1,773 cr Rights Scheme  (Government share 30 percent and World Bank 70 percent) were started in the state.

Under the scheme, 2 Integrated service centres will be created in Gobi and Erode and sub-service centers in all blocks to help diffables to get due help and survey will be carried out from November 29 across Tamil Nadu by 315 volunteers.  By providing datas to the survey, diffables can get government benefits properly, he added. 

Anthiyur MLA A.G.Venkatachalam, Diffables Welfare Officer Kothaichelvi and school principal Kanakasabapathy spoke.