An elderly woman from Kerala’s Kottayam district has taken up the class XII examination with a ventilator. The student - Simimool, 50, a resident of Kaduthuruthy - has appeared for the Class XII examination as a private candidate at St Michael higher secondary school.
As she was suffering from lung disease, she was allocated a separate room equipped with ventilators. Simimol said, “My mother Sarojini and my younger sister Sinimool had taken huge efforts to bring me to the examination centre. I want to thank them. After the demise of my husband, Jothiraj, about three years ago, I developed lung disease.
I could breathe only with the help of ventilators. So, I left my job as an anganwadi worker. As I wanted to study further, I attended the government’s literacy programme for elders and now, took up the public examination.”