Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Tuesday announced the state government’s decision to name the hall that was constructed at the cost of Rs 22 crore at Ariyalur government college premises after Anitha, a student who took her life as she couldn’t get a medical seat despite scoring high marks in class XII.
The hall would be named ‘Anitha memorial hall’. The order released by the state government said, “Anitha was born into a family of daily labourers belonging to SC community at Kulumoor village in Ariyalur district.
She lost her mother at a young age. Completing her education in Tamil medium, she has scored 1176 out of 1200 in class XII public examination.
It was during that time the union government had mandated NEET for availing medical seats. Anitha had moved the Supreme Court explaining her situation that it was impossible for students like her from rural and economically backward background to purchase expensive books and prepare themselves for the examination and demanded the Court to direct the union government to admit students based on class XII marks.”
Pointing out that the Apex court had delivered judgement against her request, the order said that Anitha ended her life by suicide on September 1 almost nine days after the judgement day. “Her death was the first evidence of the cruel face of NEET,” it added.
Completing her Education
“After the DMK came to power, the government had appointed a committee with Justice AK Rajan as its head and based on the committee’s recommendation, the chief secretary after discussing with department secretaries, drafted an ordinance against the NEET bill.
The ordinance was adopted in the assembly and then sent to the Governor but it was returned. The government passed it again in the assembly. When it was sent to the Governor, he approved it and sent it to the president. At present the bill is pending before the Governor. The government has been constantly requesting the President to approve the bill,” the order added.
The order further said, “The government medical college was inaugurated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the presence of Chief Minister MK Stalin on January 12, 2022 and since then, students have been admitted to the college. Now, the state government is all set to inaugurate a modernized hospital that has been constructed at the college premises for the welfare of the public.
To honor the girl who died in her fight against the NEET, the state government has decided to name a hall which is constructed at the cost of Rs 22 crore and is spacious enough to accommodate 850 people at a time, after her. The hall will be named ‘Anitha Memorial Hall’.”