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Today Date : Friday, September 13, 2024

Caters to the banking needsof 5.5 lakh customers in rural India

Caters to the banking needsof 5.5 lakh customers in rural India

Ujjivan Small Finance Bank (Ujjivan SFB), one of the leading small finance banks in the country, now caters to the banking needs of 5.5 lakh un-served and under-served rural customers through its vast network of 187 Unbanked Rural Centres (URCs). 

UjjivanSFB also assists farmers in the poultry and pisciculture segments by providing credit for purchasing raw materials, building required infrastructure and meeting their harvesting and marketing expenditures. 

In a bid to cater to the diverse linguistic landscape of rural India, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank launched Hello Ujjivan, India's first mobile banking application with 3 Vs – voice, visual, vernacular-enabled features – to provide banking access to individuals who have limited reading and writing skills. 

Mr. Ittira Davis, MD & CEO, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, said, “Our Unbanked Rural Centre are the catalysts for the positive change, as a responsible mass market bank, we will continue to focus on deploying relevant and meaningful banking services with innovative technology solutions to assist unserved and under-served customers”.