Chief Minister will launch Rs 1600 cr Athikadavu Avinashi project to fill dry tanks and ponds in Erode, Coimbatore and Tirupur districts at a function held at Perundurai with in ten months, said former Environment Minister Thoppu N D Venkatajalam.
He inaugurated drinking water supply under the Rs 224 cr Kodiveri dam combined water project for the people of KS Palayam, Perundurai, today. He said the Chief Minister has already inaugurated the project. Accordingly, the work of distributing drinking water in the panchayat was started today. The Kodiveri project would cover 72 Grama Panchayats and 8 Town Panchayats In the entire Perundurai segment.
He noted he struggled hard in getting the project during previous rule to solve drinking water problem permanently in the segment during the next 25 years. Now, 1.5 cr litre would be pumped daily from Bavani River within Kodiveri dam.
During the next 5 years, it would be hiked to 2 crore liters and in the next 5 years it would be hiked to 2.5 crore liters. It would increase the current supply of 90 liters of drinking water per person in urban areas to 135 liters per person. Drinking water is now available once in three or four days. It would be distributed once in two days under the new project.
We have applied to the Chief Minister to add the ponds and tanks which were excluded from the Athikadavu project in the constituency. There has been difficulty in laying pipes on private lands in some places under the scheme. So, it has been delayed for a while. But, within ten more months the Chief Minister will launch the project in Perundurai , he added. Town panchayat president Selvam and many officials attended the event.